May 31, 2010

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) - Full Movie

I wanted to share with you my favorite movie Das Kabinett des Doktor Caligari. I think it may been 1995 when I saw it first time and recorded it. I have stop counting how many times I have watched it, but one of my favorite times was in Tallinn, in one courtyard in Old Town and with live music. This one I find from YouTube has quite bad soundtrack and that's why its not my favorite version. But I found one short clip with better music and what gives the idea of the move quite well.

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari short clip

May 29, 2010

Eurovision mania

I do like to watch Eurovision song contest, I think I do it every year. I like to watch it alone so there is no distractions. This year I have clear favor. From the first time I heard this it just crawled in to my soul. For me this is just so mutch more than Eurosong. I love that he sings in his motherlanguege, but words are so so sooo good if you read them!

Harel Skaat, Milim (Words)

Once again the sadness is here

again fear has risen

and the end is at my window

cracked glass, silence again and

exhausted and cast aside

in my mind

the light fell asleep,

tears of blood

burning my throats

cratched handle ,

fallen ceiling

when singing to you the last song

you left me only words

Refuge in the shadows

arranged books

and in between the rooms

you left me only word

sand a bouquet of locks

god, you left me only words

the walls are silent now

and what did you take

when you ran away

yes, what did you take

you might have won this war

what is left when you are gone?

you left me only words

Refuge between the shadows

arranged books

and in between the rooms

you left me only words

locks bouquet

god, you left me only words

to the ice is also cold

When I remember

how today you are in front of him

Lightning in his shadow

Breaking for him

the words you left me

You are telling him

ps. He has homepage whats just my taste!

Daytrip to Tartu

Thursday I had quick trip to Tartu, my hometown, to see my mother and sister. Visited botanical garden what is one of my favorite places and its getting more beautiful by every year. This time they surprised me with new peony garden! (not at photo) I totally recommend you to visit this place if you go to Tartu! Its right at center of the town and its for free!

I visited at Y-Galerii exhibition by Timo Toots too. It was very interesting. Timo has great idea to make exhibition of something that interests everybody! And that's you! Just have your ID with you and you can see exhibition of yourself! People in Tallinn, don't worry, 10 of June his exhibition will open in cellar of Hobusepea galerii too.

May 25, 2010

todays Birthday Bunny

Today's Birthday Bunny is Adolfas Šaulys. Last man standing.
Very inspiring person for me, could say Idol. Always gives 100% and inspires others to do the same.

May 24, 2010

Old Gold

Some Old Gold, me at 2006 on my graduating after party at Chocolaterie de Pierre at Vene Street. Dress is (as usually) by Triinu Pungits.

This morning I saw poster "What did you do 5 years ago?" And 2005 was very special and break-through for me. Its when I practically bring to an end my study at Estonian Academy of Art ( final touch was 2006), had my first practice, participated in my first exhibition abroad (Italy), met love of my life, started to work in A-galerii (still here :) ....

What did you do 5 years ago?

May 17, 2010


Just super Sunday! Started with pancakes and cafe together my sister and M. Then I made quiche for lunch, what is so easy to make and tasting so good! Instead of base, you use bread cubes what you mix with milk and eggs. Then you can add what you wish. This one is with cheese, zucchini and tomato's. You just mix everything together and bake in 200'c until looking good!
So fun to cook for others!

May 15, 2010

Summer is here and time to find out bikinis! Would not mind to own pair of those!
I wish all of you great weekend! I will have good one. My sister is visiting me and today after work we will go to eat to boheem at Kalamaja and then visit some museums, because it is museum night! Starting from puppet museum and seeing were my legs take me then!
Sunday we will play Anthea Turner at my place and organise... but, the morning will start with pancakes!

May 14, 2010

and the winner is...

And this lovely lady in silver and pearls will get new home with.. ta-daa!.. Martta from Finland! Please send me your full address so I can post it to you.
Thanks to A, who was helping me and picked the paper with winners name from bowl. And don't worry, if you didn't win this time, you will get soon new change!

May 7, 2010

Get a uniqe jewellery just by making one comment!!!

To celebrate the 1000 views on my flickr account and my 100 post in my blog you get the chance to win unique piece of my jewellery. You just need to comment this post during this week and next Friday lucky one will get the jewellery!!!!

Today Evestus at Tapper!
Gun necklace from Nicolas Estrada will make my office lady outfit rock!

May 1, 2010

After camp I come to Tartu to spend time with my family. Yesterday I made vegetable wok with rice noodles to everybody and today my sister and mother will make some food. My holiday has got little longer and what can be better.

And conclusion for my camp. Am very happy that I did it and am sure I will do it again in future, but only if I can get same Doctor, Viigi Viil. She really was the heart of this all. And the whole camp was not about fasting. We were dealing with everything else and I did not felt at all hungry or empty stomach. And determents, that we all will get grumpy and start to sweat terribly, didn't happened either.